Hi there, I’m Taylor.

My approach to UX design incorporates user needs and business goals, resulting in enjoyable interactions that prioritize users and deliver exceptional outcomes.

Some backstory

My journey in UX began in 2020, but I've had a variety of exciting experiences before then. From planning weddings for couples to teaching English to students, serving fusion cuisine to locals to creating exclusive guest experiences, I've had the opportunity to meet people, hear their stories, and enhance their experiences in the best possible way. When I decided to study design, I knew I would love to evolve creatively. However, when I transitioned from graphic arts to UX, I realized how much UX resonates with my life. It's the art of combining aesthetics, empathy, and functionality that I love the most about it.

A little more…

I'm originally from Connecticut, but since 2014 I've been living a bit of a nomadic lifestyle. I've become accustomed to moving from place to place, and I find that it supports my creativity and overall well-being. I'm always up for trying new things and exploring new places - it's just the way I am. My approach is laid-back yet detail-oriented, and I love anyone with a great sense of humor. When it comes to my favorite things, I can't get enough of Asian food, thrifting, and wandering around new neighborhoods with my headphones.

Say hi!

To get in touch with me, kindly drop a message on LinkedIn or email me at telaine.thompson@gmail.com. I would be glad to hear from you!